FishCast by Fathom Science


Use this form to order FishCast regional maps. The map at the bottom of this page shows the region numbers.

Multiple Region Orders

You can subscribe to multiple regions for ANNUAL (one year) subscriptions only, which give you unlimited downloads of your regional maps for 365 days from date of payment. Subscription ends at the same time for all your regions.

Multiple Region Pricing

Introductory Price: Each region is $359 for an annual subscription, with a 30% discount when you order more than one region. You can order as many regions as you wish. You will have access to hourly Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll Concentration, and Optimal Catch Location maps for today, tomorrow, and the next day, EVERY DAY, with UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS.

Prices for annual subscription packages with 30% discount

2 regions

save $215!

3 regions

save $323!

4 regions

save $431!

5 regions

save $539!

6 regions

save $646!

7 regions

save $754!

all 26 regions

save $2,800!

To Order

Choose the regions you want from the list below, then click Submit. Within 48 hours, we will e-mail you a link to confirm your order and make your online payment. Submitting this form does NOT activate your subscription. You must click the link we will send you by e-mail to complete the transaction.